The Holistic Time Coach

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Time management coaches are more important now than ever before: Here’s why

Life is beautiful and fragile.

Being human is amazing and challenging.

Staying true to ourselves is essential for living each of our one lifetimes with the most fulfillment, happiness, and health.

It's easier than ever before in our world to become consumed by all of our to-do lists, distracted by what other people are doing, and lose touch with ourselves.

A holistic time management coach is someone you can hire to make your life so much easier by supporting you with making time for, staying focused on, and being present with the things that matter most to you.

If you’ve been wondering what you can do to make more of your time and life, continue reading to find out why a time management coach is more important than ever before.

Time management coaches: An antidote to the state of the world

We’ve been living in an increasingly demanding and uncertain world that moves and evolves faster every single day.

American psychiatrist Edward Hallowell goes so far as to say, ‘Never in human history have our brains had to work with so much information as they do today… We have a generation of people who are so busy processing the information received from all directions that they are losing the ability to think and feel.’

Our societies are fighting against a global pandemic, the attention economy, burnout, overworking, addiction, individual and collective trauma, and so much more.

54% Gen Xers are burned out, whereas 68% of working moms are burned out (source).

As a result of the pandemic, it appears to me that we are collectively rethinking many things… one of which is the way we work and live.

I believe that’s why 47.4 million people have voluntarily left their jobs for better work (CNBC).

We are after more flexible working conditions, better wages, and a better quality of life overall.

More than ever, we have tuned into the fact that we have this one human life to make the most of.

And I don’t know about you, but I want an extraordinary one full of connection, purpose, impact, and meaning.

A time management coach is here to partner up with you to make the most out of your life.

Not your average time management coach

When the majority of people think about time management, being a productive superhuman at work and sometimes, at home, comes to mind.

I get tired just thinking about the way I used to think about time management.

However, here at The Holistic Time Coach, we’re about shifting our perception around time management.

Time is the fabric of life, and our humanness.

Time is the medium for meeting our needs.

Consciously choosing to spend our time is the most important thing we can ever do.

Time management, the kind that’s not just about being more productive at work, is about being a good steward of our life force.

Collaborating with time allows us to do all the things that are deeply meaningful to us and be the person we want to be.

The extraordinary life we crave goes from a distant wish to a real possibility.

Saying goodbye to getting consumed by all the to-do’s, distracted by what other people are doing, and losing touch with ourselves becomes possible too.

A holistic time management coach is someone you can hire to make your life so much easier by supporting you with making time for, staying focused on, and being present with the things that matter most to you.

How does a time management coach actually do that?

As a holistic time management coach, my role has 3 main elements. In order for someone to create and experience an extraordinary life on their terms, I assist someone in:

  1. Playing in the possibilities to identify how and where they truly want to spend their time.

  2. Discovering the unique skills and tools they need in order to spend their time how they want.

  3. Integrating those skills until they become second nature with gentle support and accountability.

Want more details on what I actually do as a holistic time management coach? Click here.

Have you thought about what’s possible for you if you were able to stay focused on what matters most? If you were able to spend the majority of your time doing the things you want to do?

Let me know in the comments below!

Curious about what was possible for the folks I’ve worked with?

Click here to read from the amazing humans, entrepreneurs, and professionals I’ve worked with have said about working with me.