How quarterly planning helps you stay flexible and accomplish your goals easier


How many times have you created a plan only to have life come up and derail it all?

This is one of the most common things I hear from my clients, students, my partner, and basically, everyone who’s ever planned anything.

In this blog, I’m going to share with you why quarterly planning was the key to creating a plan that allowed me to stay focused and accomplish my goals, while also being flexible and responsive to life’s uncertainties.

Ready to set you and your business up for success this upcoming quarter? Check out my Holistic Quarterly Planner (available for puchase).

Quarterly planning accounts for life’s uncertainties

We know just how uncertain and unpredictable life is now more than ever.

When unpredictable events happen, things shift inside and outside of us. We change, external circumstances change and our goals change… causing our plans to change.

I don’t know about you but when I make plans and they change, I feel like I wasted so much of my time. I’m also reminded of how little control I don’t have over things making a part of me never want to plan again.

This is where quarterly planning is so effective.

Instead of spending tons of time at the beginning of a year planning the entire year out, quarterly planning just asks you to think about and plan 3-months at a time.

When you break your year down into four pieces, it’s easier to prioritize projects allowing you to stay focused and accomplish your goals easier. When you quarterly plan with me, you also get to pause, reassess how you’re spending your time, and realign your plans to who you are as a person.

The result?

Saving hours of planning time, doing time, and wasting time following an outdated plan (or no plan at all).

Say goodbye to under (or over) estimating your capacity

Oh, human tendencies.

Did you know that when people set annual goals (think new year's resolutions) we underestimate how much we can actually achieve?

Quarterly Planning

As I mentioned above, none of us know who we’ll be or where we're going in 12 months from now. That’s why lots of new years resolution-ers set one main goal: they just want to grow their business by 25% this next year. Or start running. Or eat healthier.

I bet you also didn’t know (but really did know) is humans have a tendency to overestimate how much we can get done in a day or a week.

We put so much stuff on our daily & weekly to-do lists, rarely getting to half of it.

Yep, you guessed it. Quarterly planning takes into account under (and over) estimating tendencies by focusing on 3 months.

When we’re realistic with how much we can actually do, our plans, and the goals we set will make it so much easier to accomplish what we want to do.

So many priorities, not enough time? Don’t worry, quarterly planning to the rescue!

quarterly planning
  • You have all the things that come along with growing & managing a business.

  • Maybe you still have a 9-to-5 or another gig to supplement your income.

  • You want to take really good care of yourself: regularly meditate, meal prep, work out, and learn how to knit, paint, or play the guitar.

  • You want to save money or travel the world.

  • You want to spend more time with your family and your friends. 

The list of recognizing your potential doesn't end there.

Guess what? I think it’s such a beautiful thing to want to be your best self but, it can also lead to lots of overwhelm, frustration, and inaction. 

Quarterly planning helps you figure out what to focus on NOW that will get you the best, most fulfilling results. When you plan your quarter with me, you’ll go inwards, identify what season you’re in, and how to do it all without feeling like you’re doing it all.

Click here to read more about how to prioritize effectively when life feels overwhelming.

I’ve been hosting quarterly planning workshops for almost three years.

If you want to have…

  • Clarity on what you really want to focus your precious time & energy on for the next 3 months.

  • A step-by-step plan created by your internal guidance that make it so much easier for you to follow your plan and accomplish your goals (Finally!!!)

  • Fresh intentional energy and motivation to help you really make the most of your time.

Click here to check out my Holistic Quarterly Planner now!


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