The Holistic Time Coach

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Think good time management in entrepreneurship needs to be rigid? It doesn't.

Feel like your brain and time management seem to go together like oil and water?

Small tasks keep slipping by keeping you from sharing your wisdom and expertise with the world?

You’re not alone.

Traditional time management strategies feel rigid, constricting, and unhelpful to so many.

Want to know the secret sauce? Changing how you feel about and experience time.

Once you re-think and repair your relationship with time and time management, a system made for your brain and values will organically reveal itself to you.

Without doing that, time management will continue to hold you back.

Things CAN and WILL change.

Freedom, flexibility, and ease IS possible for you.

Hear from Dr. Caroline Addington below to learn more about how working with me impacted her, her business, and her life.

Tell us who you are and what you do

What was your business and life like before you began working with me?

What doubts did you have before working together?

What has happened in your life/business since we started working together?

What made those things (in above video) possible?

If you had to sell this service to somebody else, what would you say to them?

Ready to experience more joy, flow, and ease? I’d love to talk! Learn more about my services.