Don't know how to slow down and enjoy life more? Here's how she did it.


At a point in your life where you’re trying to slow down and enjoy life more yet don’t exactly know where to go from here?

You know a lot of the systems you’ve been using and the old ways of thinking about time and productivity aren’t serving you anymore and you’re not sure what else things could look like?

You’re not alone.

The pandemic has made quite a lot of people

  • Rethink what they’re doing with their lives

  • How they spend their time, and

  • Finally, realize they have needs and desires…like slowing down… they need to listen to.

Learn about how Kasia slowed down and the massive impact it had on her business, relationships, and health.

Tell us who you are and what you do.

Hi! I’m Kasia, a specialist in the field of menstrual cycle disorders, and a graduate of pharmacy and clinical nutritionist at Wiecej Niz Hormony.

Why did you want to work with me?

  • I was at a point in my life where I was slowing down, and I knew a lot of things I used to do didn’t work for me.

  • My systems didn’t work because I was trying to fit myself into them, instead of the opposite.

  • I didn’t know how to create my own flexible structure.

What doubts did you have before working together?

  • I was trying to figure out if I really needed this or if it was just a whim.

  • I was worried that I would place all of my future hopes in it, and I didn’t want to do that to myself again.

  • Of course, financially I wasn’t sure if it was the best time or if it wasn’t worth it…. BUT it was one of the best decisions of my life.

What has been your favorite part so far?

Every part!

  • I am in the center, and I am able to make decisions for myself. There are no shoulds and pressure.

  • The space you created for me is so calming and loving.

  • You ask me so many questions… permission to tell you something, what our next steps are.

  • I feel taken care of!

What would you say was the biggest thing that changed for you?

  • I let go of all the shoulds and musts and prioritize myself. Even though it sounds so simple and everyone talks about that, I didn’t do it because I thought there are still things I should do, rules to follow in order to be successful in my life and business. I now put myself first when it comes to my schedule and to-do lists.

  • My business grew and I earn more money.

  • I finally know so much more about myself and my needs.

  • I decluttered my life from so many things that don’t serve me.

  • I’m so much more in tune with myself, respect myself more, my time more.

  • My google calendar doesn’t scare me anymore, finally!

  • …and so much more. I could talk about this forever.

Who would you recommend me to work with?

  • People who are struggling with finding the perfect time management system.

  • People who want to live more in tune with themselves, want to discover their values, and want to live a peaceful joyful life.

Any last thoughts?

  • It was one of the best investments of my life working with you.

  • It completely transformed my life in a way I couldn’t even believe was possible.

Want earning more money while feeling in tune with yourself to be way less stressful and painful? Apply to work with me here.

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.


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