How to achieve your goals and feel well-rested (yes, it's possible!)


It feels extremely counter-productive to focus on rest and health FIRST, then our to-do lists.

We’ve been taught to get everything done, and then we can take a break.

What happens when it’s literally impossible to get everything done? Cause that’s the truth. You will never get everything done.

We stay exhausted, running on a treadmill of tasks hoping for one day when we can breathe.

That’s where traditional time management extremely suffers, and holistic time management excels.

When you put yourself first, like legit first, and everything else after… achieving your goals and feeling well-rested becomes a reality.


Find out how Kirsten was able to put herself first while accomplishing even more than she set out to in our 3-months working together.

Since this post is more of a case study than a how-to, don’t miss the coaching questions at the end of this post to apply Kirsten’s wisdom and transformation to your life and business.

Tell us who you are and what you do.

Kirsten Welge, Founder/Director of Natural Awareness, LLC

What was achieving your personal and professional goals like before you began working with me?

After leaving my corporate healthcare manager position of 5 years for a 6 month 'sabbatical', I was struggling to set a daily routine that helped me complete deeply important goals AND left me feeling well-rested.

I relied on deadlines and a buildup of external and internal pressure to move me - which didn't translate well to cleaning the home or completing other "maintenance behaviors" necessary for life to run smoothly.

What did you love about having me as your holistic time coach?

Your check-ins strongly supported accountability.

Mindful breathing to start our sessions.

Experiencing your presence – you're gentle and accepting, which helped me to soften my approach to myself.

The invitations to try things out and see how they worked for me (like bedtime rituals).

Your approach to time management and the calendar make-over!!! <3 That was life-changing.

What has happened in your life or business since we worked together?

In my life…

  • I realized my body does cue me when it's tired -- and I am practicing setting a rhythm to settle towards a regular sleep time of 9-9:30 PM. (A far cry from working until 3 AM!!)

  • I began to listen more to my body, and nap when it asks me for rest. I feel more refreshed and relaxed.

  • I accepted that I am not a robot that can produce indefinitely at the same rate, regardless of feelings or circumstances.

  • I donated a trunk full of bags of items to Goodwill, and donated another 40 pieces of business clothes (suits, pants, jackets, shells, blouses) to a local group that sets up low-income women with interview & business clothing.

  • I cleared the main floor space of our home - AND KEPT IT CLEAN with maintenance of 5-10 min every evening. WOW! ...and this led to a huge breakthrough and more trust with my partner. Thank you!

  • I cleared a space in the basement for my "recording studio" for a national talk.

  • I prepared and delivered a national talk to my aikido federation on why I train, and how our training can be applied in daily life.

  • I completed a series of biweekly bike rides (including time trials, hill climbs, and gravel rides I'd never done before) on 10-40k+ routes from June-August.

  • I developed muscles and speed I have never had before.

  • I completed a 10-day solo Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness trip, with portaging (never done before), and found greater clarity and trust in my mind-body than ever before. I had no regrets whatsoever about spending that time alone.

In my business…

  • I opened up to being OK with not producing an income with every action I took.

  • I worked through anxiety about comparing myself to how others did things.

  • I worked through anxiety & resistance about offering certain classes, made clear, confident decisions, and experienced greater ease and alignment.

  • For Q4, I reduced my number of quarterly goals to THREE, from more than 8... and am seeing progress on those three fronts, instead of feeling like a hamster trying to spin multiple wheels. Awesome!!

  • Thanks to your calendar makeover, I now have large time blocks for focusing on a particular group of tasks. This is SO helpful!

  • And, I've built in time for daily activities to settle me and connect me to my partner and friends, which often fell to the wayside in the past.

  • I filed for my LLC!!!

  • And, I finally put together a site for my business and flier for my first program, Track Your Backyard! I have learned so much and now have a functioning website. AWESOME.

What do you think made those things (listed above) possible in just 3 months of working together?

Focusing on rest and health first.

When I'm rested, I have a greater awareness of myself and what's needed, short- and long-term - and I am more efficient and effective at completing what's needed.

Boom. ^That’s the key right there.

But how?! How do we make this massive shift in how we manage and think about time?

Here are some coaching questions for you to think through:

  • How might you put yourself first, and everything else second (or later)?

  • What might be keeping you from being able to do that?

  • What is your next best step forward?

Want to achieve all your deeply meaningful goals without feeling exhausted and overwhelmed?

Let’s make it happen! Click here to schedule a no-pressure consult call now.


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