The Holistic Time Coach

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Feeling overwhelmed in life? Take a deep breath with this powerful story.

Have you seen that meme that’s like…

“I’m just trying to survive while working 8 hours a day, while being a parent, while starting a side hustle, while making sure my house stays somewhat clean, while also trying to take care of myself?”

Amy was living that day in and day out.

Joy? Forget about it.

If you’re living that right now too, I see you.

Take a deeeep breath.

Maybe another one.

And another.

While you may want to burn everything to the ground today, I’m here to remind you that something different is possible.

A overwhelm and stress-free (or at least a looooot less) might feel impossible today, and as a holistic time coach, I’m here to remind you it is possible.

Let Amy’s story give you hope that a life full of ease, peace, and balance can happen for you too.

Want the journey towards that life to be a lot easier (and quicker)? I invite you to work with me!

Tell us who you are and what you do.

My name is Amy Cissell. I’m a USA Today Bestselling Author of paranormal women’s fiction, paranormal romance, and contemporary fantasy. And I’m a day jobber.

What was your business and life like before you began working with me?

I was overwhelmed & felt guilty about being overwhelmed.

I had too many things to do, unrealistic goals, and a fear of saying no to more and more.

I was balancing parenting, a day job, an insane writing schedule, a side hustle, and taking care of house stuff.

I felt terrible and worked from 7 am - 10 or 11 pm almost every day, less dinner times.

I took almost zero time to take care of myself, and I didn't even know what was important.

What doubts did you have before working together?

I really didn't think anything would change. I didn't know HOW it could.

There was so much to do and unless this was magic "make more time/time turner" situation, there was no way to get through my to-do lists any faster or to cure the procrastination that I felt so guilty about.

I worried it would be a gigantic waste of money.

What surprised you about working with me?

It was so fun! And positive. I learned things about myself - something I didn't expect after 4.5 decades of living and a million therapists.

What has happened in your life or business since we worked together?

I have learned to say no.

I scaled back my side hustle (editing for indie authors) to my two favorite clients in 2022 and made sure that everyone knows I'm not available for more.

I planned my 2022 writing schedule with realism so I won't find myself stressed and overwhelmed about my goals.

I was able to take a leap to a new day job that will pay more and better benefits knowing that it's not forever and I can make everything work without feeling like I've done too much.

I've made more on royalties in 2021 than ever before, and my editing business is booked through 2022, so I know what my income stream will look like.

I have discovered what I enjoy about NOT working, and although it's sometimes still a struggle, I no longer feel (very) guilty when I take that time for myself.

I take every other Sunday completely off work, and every other Saturday off after 3 pm.

I take time in the mornings to enjoy my solitude before jumping into my schedule.

What would you say to someone considering hiring Becca?

It's literally life-changing.

I work less, have waaaaaaay less stress, and am getting at least as much done.

I've remembered what gives me joy and try to link everything I have to do with that.

I don't have to find joy in my day job, but I can find joy BECAUSE of it.

I have the money to do things I love to do and I know that there is no reason to always be on 100% all the time.

Ready to go from feeling exhausted and overwhelmed to having time for yourself, rest, and everything else your soul is craving?

Click here to schedule a no-pressure consult call with me now.