Done & Dusted

How to (actually) finish a course!


Brush the dust off your courses & get em’ done.

💗 Finally get the result you were looking for when you signed up–whether that was:

  • Making your life easier,

  • Growing your business,

  • Opening yourself up to more opportunities,

  • Getting healthier, or

  • Having more fun.

💗 Feel confident when you sign up for future programs.

💗 Release the weight hanging over you and FEEL good about finishing.

💗 Have compassion and understand why the past you didn’t complete the course. (It’s totally ok!)

💗 Regrow trust in yourself

💗 Know how to apply your unique learning style and integrate information easier.

💗 Be responsible with your money, time, and energy moving forward.


Hey, I’m Becca Rich!

I’m a certified holistic time coach & project consultant for creative, witchy, sensitive, and squiggly-brained humans.

I’m here to help you move beyond surface-level, outdated time management hacks.

That way you can finally say goodbye to all the guilt, pressure, comparison, and anxiety you feel.

And do things with ease, joy, and gentleness!

Read more about me & my credentials.


Never struggle to finish a course again.

What’s included in Done & Dusted:

  • 13 micro-video lessons you can watch all in one day.

    • Average video time is 3.5 mins.

    • Total time: 45 mins.

  • Student-only Facebook group to ask questions and get support

  • 4 Bonuses: 

    • 'Clean The Slate' Ritual

    • Apply your learning style

    • What's your preferred course style

    • When TO buy a course in the future.


Financial exchange: $17